I saved them!

It has been two years

Since the world lost its smile

Behind the shield.

Many an ‘infectious’ smile has perished

Crashing against the wall

That claims to protect us.

So these days I save my smiles –

My rare, precious smiles.

Instead, I just shrink my eyes at them.

My foggy brain frowns

At my absurd, inapt gesture.

But man, look at all my savings!


Once in a while a question shakes me up and soon gets me on a ‘thinking’ spree. Today it was from a young colleague of mine.

“Aren’t you worried how people would react if you do things differently?”

Let me make the context clear. The topic was ‘how to make the online classes more interesting and creative’. After watching one of my recorded classes she hesitatingly raised this question. And now it has got my brain buffering.

A teacher is supposed to explain the topic, the meanings, discuss the questions and prepare the students for the exams. Fine. The teacher will be paid and no one would point a finger at her. But is that enough? For me, no.

I have two options.

  • Option one: Take my students up to the museum gate and announce, “Hey kids, this is the museum which houses a lot of famous antique pieces and artefacts. Clear?
  • Option two: Get the tickets, lead them in to the museum, and let them have a close look at those curios, and let them bask themselves in that ambience of antiquity.

I would go for the second option.

Fit in or stand out? Follow the crowd or follow our hearts? The latter ones seem more thrilling and acceptable to me, not just for the sake of being the odd one out or to show off, but for the gratification of doing the best for the children destined to be with me for an entire academic year. It demands sheer hard work.

“That is the one unforgivable sin in any society. Be different and be damned!”
― Margaret Mitchell, Gone with the Wind

Each lesson opens up doors to the unseen magical world around us. The possibilities are infinite depending on the creativity and willingness of the teacher who handles it. Is it necessary to walk that extra mile? After all, it is just a lesson meant for some ordinary middle class students. Is it worth sacrificing our precious time and energy for these kids who may never recognize or acknowledge our efforts?

What about the colleagues who are content with the conventional methods? Let them be. There’s nothing wrong in it. I don’t expect others to join me or imitate me, though sometimes I may try suggesting to some. But I give up at the slightest hint of disdain, as unsolicited advice is unwelcome too.

“There is a certain way of being human that is my way. I am called upon to live my life in this way, and not in imitation of anyone else’s life. But this notion gives a new importance to being true to myself. If I am not, I miss the point of my life; I miss what being human is for me.”
― Charles Taylor, Multiculturalism

I shall always remain accountable to my students. The rest will ensue, naturally.




We Obedient Women

I hate these feminists, by the way-
Irrespective of their gender-
Who profess equality of sexes.
Ridiculous. Impossible!

Haven’t we been told
How impure we are
With this dreadful fertility
And the mere sight of us,
Which can axe the celibacy of gods
Or with that unused blood of life
Which can be sacrilegious?
We are threats even to gods.
(Or, are we really mighty? Nay!)

We entice the otherwise divine men
Into all sorts of evils.
Refer the epics.
Curse be upon you
Eve, Draupadhi, Sita,
For such gory history!
And WE bear the yoke, to date.

Now that men have promised us
Separate places of worship
(And soon separate worlds?)
Let’s be gratified
And not make life miserable
For our men, the men
Who save us, protect us,
And safeguard us


Each time I see my profile pic
And an inviting blank space
Below each and every post
By those unknown ‘post’ers,
My heart starts pounding –
How should I comment on…

the lady who made dosa today,

the girls who had cupcakes and selfies,

the boys who tried beer and adventure,

the man who stood beside a Rolls Royce,

the activist who was infuriated,

the journalist who was ‘enlightened’,

the teacher who came across

another meme that resonated,

the business man who hosted

another dinner for the celebrities?

My material soul utters scornfully:
Loser, it’s your turn to impress.

My Files

Thus I was born with
those few basic programmes.

As voices and visuals poured in
I felt I got access to more.

Later I had my own words
Making me edit, delete,
Update and add more.

More faces, words, deeds
Knowledge, experiences –
The evolving continued.

Then the teenage rebellion!

The ordeals of life
Overhauled them often.

At times they were futile
Making me look pathetic.

Now here I am today,
digging into the enormous,
tangled pile of life files
searching frantically for
my disaster management docs!


I hate him –
the rigid precisionist
who axed the climax
of my thriller dream.

I tried feigning sleep
but the unkindest cut
was too loud, fatal,
leaving me ‘clueless’!

Now who will tell me
what happened to me
after I came out of
the palace-cum-barn-cum-mountain?






Control – iron-fisted!
Power – absolute!

Perspectives mutate,
Priorities shuffle,
Focus shifts,
Vision blurs,
Mind shrinks,
Greed roots,
Anarchy thrives.

His heaven
Our hell!

Windows and messengers

Her post inspired me to look
out the window
And enjoy the greenery.
So I did look – knowing
No treats awaited me.

Ah! Sky! Cloudy,
Not the sign of an impending rain,
They say the roaming choppers
Chop the pregnant clouds
To save all the million-dollar constructions.
Some say they are ‘poisoned’, aborted.
Anyway, they seldom deliver – anything!

Ah! The next apartment block,
where our ‘neighbours’ live.
The windows shut forever
never frame any face,
because they had given up long back.

Ah! The narrow empty space
around our building,
Where a garden could thrive,
Where we could have some benches.
But all I can see are the ghosts
Of the industrial sewing machines
Abandoned by the cobblers all around.
Sometimes I hear the cats,
but today no cats even.

Now, reluctant to surrender,
I repeat the exercise.
Ah! Two pigeons on the neighbour’s A/c unit!
They are not green,
but they are at least full of life!

Julia, did you
send those messengers for me?

I wish to believe you did.
So, thank you, dear!

Escape Velocity

It’s almost an hour.
I am speaking to her.
Trying my best
to get to the core.

Discuss, motivate, encourage,
beg, empathize, sympathize,
agitate, provoke, admonish.
But nothing cracks through.

She’s so calloused.

About to give up,
One last question
out of the blue!


The escape velocity attained.
Tears, disclosures, confessions.

Two souls
Over the moon.


She is in the lab
Doing an experiment
For the first time
in her life.

She is confident
Yet, from time to time
she cross checks
With her Guru.

The powders measured
like gold, with utmost care,
since she fears
Even the minute variations
may affect the final outcome.

And it is ready !

The testing –
the tasting.

The verdict –

Aha! That’s my cup of tea!

[That was my daughter making her first cup of tea for her father, just now! 🙂]