
She is in the lab
Doing an experiment
For the first time
in her life.

She is confident
Yet, from time to time
she cross checks
With her Guru.

The powders measured
like gold, with utmost care,
since she fears
Even the minute variations
may affect the final outcome.

And it is ready !

The testing –
the tasting.

The verdict –

Aha! That’s my cup of tea!

[That was my daughter making her first cup of tea for her father, just now! 🙂]

2 responses to “Experiment

  1. I had to laugh with this one, and I really wasn’t expecting a cup of tea at the end. I love this poem… very good indeed… and so is a nice perfect cup of tea!! 😀

    • That’s what I felt listening to all the conversations in the kitchen between the father and the daughter ‘over a cup of tea’. It was a great accomplishment for her. Thank you, for your kind words, Suzy!

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