Category Archives: Goodness


She is in the lab
Doing an experiment
For the first time
in her life.

She is confident
Yet, from time to time
she cross checks
With her Guru.

The powders measured
like gold, with utmost care,
since she fears
Even the minute variations
may affect the final outcome.

And it is ready !

The testing –
the tasting.

The verdict –

Aha! That’s my cup of tea!

[That was my daughter making her first cup of tea for her father, just now! 🙂]


She readily agreed to get into the Barnie costume.
May be she enjoyed it, may be she just did it
without even second thoughts.

She stood out in that pretty purple – in every way!

Did/could she actually see
the twinkle in the eyes of the kids,
the surprise on the teachers’ faces,
all the smiles that she induced?

Just a costume could do all that!

Still, we hesitate to make the faces bloom.
Why? Shy?
Ashamed of looking silly?
The anonymity involved is not worth it?

Thank you, Lamis!